PM Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka’s Speech at the Launch of Fiji’s Foreign Policy White Paper 23/09/2024
Fiji’s High Commission in New Zealand commemorates international day for older persons and Fiji day
24/09/2024Published On: 24/09/2024
The official launching of Fiji’s first Foreign Policy White Paper 2024 today (23/9/24) by the Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka, signifies a historic achievement in the advancement of Fiji’s foreign services.
The first of such initiative, Fiji’s Foreign Policy White Paper articulates Fiji’s Foreign Policy priorities and outlines Government’s policy direction that guides our international engagements into the next decade.
In his remarks, Prime Minister Rabuka said the Fiji’s Foreign Policy is Government’s commitment to secure Fiji’s place in the global community and to ensure a prosperous and secure future for every Fijian.
Prime Minister Rabuka stated that the Foreign Policy sets out the path to meet the complex foreign policy challenges we face as a nation and it is a definitive statement of the Government’s foreign policy and Fiji’s place in the world.
He further said Foreign Policy reaffirms Fiji’s status as the hub in the Pacific region and the foundation for the Policy is a whole-of-nation approach that integrates all elements of policy – domestic and external, and recognises that our security and prosperity ultimately depend on a clear-eyed view of our national interests and values, and how best to advance them.
Prime Minister Rabuka stated that Fiji’s Foreign Policy sits alongside Fiji’s National Development Plan (NDP) and the proposed response to the current National Security and Defence Review as the foundations of the Government’s strategy to advance Fiji’s strategic and economic interests and strengthen its social cohesion.
On a similar note, Prime Minister Rabuka highlighted the three interconnecting pillars of Fiji’s foreign policy: sovereignty, security and prosperity.
In conclusion, Prime Minister Rabuka thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for initiating a whole-of-Government process to incorporate the views of Ministries, and agencies and entities outside of the public sector.
He extended his heartfelt appreciation to all the stakeholders, particularly to the Reference Group for their incredible support and further acknowledged the Australian Government for the technical and financial support rendered through the renewed and elevated Vuvale partnership.
Prime Minister Rabuka said Fiji’s Foreign Policy White Paper is not just any other document – but a roadmap that ensures that our future generations will live in a country that is secure, and prosperous and respected on the global stage.
Today’s launching program was attended by the government ministers, members of parliament, diplomatic corps and key stakeholders.
Fiji’s Foreign Policy White Paper is now accessible to the public via the QR code.