Traditional welcoming ceremony for World Bank Group President Mr. Ajay Banga
Prime Minister Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka’s ministerial statement in Parliament on his recent visit to China
10/09/2024Published On: 05/09/2024
Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka today joined his fellow leaders around the Pacific Region at a High-level Meeting with the World Bank Group President Mr Ajay Banga.
The first of such dialogue convened at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) Headquarters in Suva, underscored the partnership between the Forum member countries and the World Bank, which is the Washington-based institution and the world’s biggest and oldest multilateral development bank. Mr. Banga’s official visit to Fiji, Tuvalu and Australia from 4th to 10th September 2024, marks the first of such visit to be undertaken in the last 50 years.
The discussion today was an opportunity for the Pacific leaders to establish direct collaboration with the World Bank and establish understanding of the Bank’s approaches and strategies. They then discussed their own priorities for economic prosperity, climate resilience and sustainable development, with the ultimate aim of improving the livelihood and quality of life of the Pacific people.
Attention was directed at the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) future financing in the Pacific; and robust Twenty First (21st) Replenishment of the Resources of the International Development Association (IDA21) to meet the growing needs in the Pacific. These are among the key initiatives to be pursued via the Pacific-World Bank renewed efforts.
The discussion was premised on key regional initiatives of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent and its Implementation; and the draft Pacific Roadmap for Economic Development (PRED).
In his remarks, Prime Minister Rabuka acknowledged the World Bank for its contribution to infrastructural improvements and relationship with Fiji’s development journey to date.
Further, he noted the World Bank’s renewed commitment to the Pacific in strengthening cooperation on critical areas such as health, infrastructure and job creation in Fiji’s development priorities and that of the Pacific region’s overall resilience and prosperity.
He welcomed the potential for initiatives and sustainable solutions aimed at promoting economic development, climate resilience, connectivity, sustainable tourism, investment, upscale resources and support for vital sectors such as healthcare, education, energy, agriculture, fisheries and infrastructure.
On the same note, Prime Minister Rabuka reaffirmed Fiji’s support for regional solidarity, and expressed optimism that partnership with the World Bank will materialise into tangible outcomes for the Pacific’s development.
In his remarks, Mr. Banga thanked the leadership and vision demonstrated by the Pacific leaders and reasserted the World Banks dedication to support the Pacific region’s priorities on economic development and climate resilience.
The meeting concluded on a positive-note, with a collective commitment to work on the Outcome Statement and a joint action plan on the key Pacific priorities in implementing the targets of the 2050 Strategy and the draft Pacific Roadmap for Economic Development (PRED).
The High-level meeting was attended by Hon. Hu’akavameiliku Siaosi Sovaleni, Prime Minister of Tonga and Forum Chair; Mr Baron Waqa, Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum, Hon. Wesley Simina, President of the Federated State of Micronesia; Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka, Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji; Hon. Hilda Heine, President of the Republic of Marshall Islands; Hon. Seremaiah Nawalu, Deputy Prime Minister of Vanuatu; and Hon. David Adeang, President of the Republic of Nauru. Other leaders joined virtually while some Member Countries were represented by their missions based in Suva.