Prime Minister Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka’s ministerial statement on Fiji’s foreign policy white paper
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04/10/2024Published On: 01/10/2024
Fiji’s first-ever Foreign Policy White Paper serves as the definitive statement of the Government’s foreign policy and the nation’s role on the global stage.
Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka revealed this while delivering his ministerial statement on the White Paper in Parliament this morning.
He informed the august House that the White Paper also outlines Government’s foreign policy initiatives, including the promotion of the Ocean of Peace which is the single most significant contribution that Fiji has made to peace and security in our neighbourhood and the broader Indo-Pacific region.
The White Paper is rooted in the three traditional pillars of foreign policy, including sovereignty, security, and prosperity.
The White Paper;
a.) sets out the underlying principles of Fiji’s foreign policy, our overarching objectives and our broad priorities;
b.) captures the way in which domestic and foreign policy are intertwined;
c.) allows flexibility to work on issues without being constrained by specificity;
d.) allows for context and nuance to be made for circumstances that Fiji might find itself in;
e.) is further unpacked into the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that guide its operationalization through the Operational and Business Plans.
Further, PM Rabuka stated that the White Paper is also the basis for Ministries to connect and coordinate across the government system and in areas touching external interactions.
Read the Prime Minister’s full statement on https://shorturl.at/5sLVL
To watch the full statement: