Fiji stresses Climate Crisis as ‘Grave Threat’ to International Peace at United Nations Debate on upholding Charter
Statement from the Prime Minister Hon. Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama on Assistance to Australian Bushfire Crisis
18/01/2020Published On: 18/01/2020
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
On behalf of the Honourable Prime Minister, I extend a very warm welcome and Bula Vinaka to you all.
The prayers of the Fijian people have been with our friends in Australia from the moment the bushfire crisis ignited across New South Wales. Our hearts go out to all those who have lost homes, property, businesses and loved ones to this catastrophe. As a part of our Pacific family, we knew it was incumbent on Fiji to offer our assistance to the Australian people during this unimaginably difficult time. Once on the ground, this contingent will assist in any way possible with the national response effort underway in Australia, including by clearing debris and opening access to regions severely impacted by the wildfires.
As this contingent deploys to assist our Australian sisters and brothers, RFMF personnel are also acting across the country to respond to the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Toni. It speaks to the capacity of this Force and the strength of the Fijian spirit that – even when confronted with a crisis of our own – we are still willing and able to assist Australia in its time of need.
I’d like to thank the Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) for his quick and efficient response to mobilize a contingent to respond to the Bushfire Crisis in Australia. We are indeed grateful that you have helped answer the call from our vuvale in Australia.
Importantly, I would also like to thank the families of each member of the contingent leaving today. Your prayers and support will be a source of inspiration and strength to the contingent as they leave on this arduous assignment.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Fijian and Australian people share a proud and enduring friendship. We proudly matched the strength of our longstanding people-to-people ties at the government level with the signing of the Vuvale Partnership in September 2019, which ushered in a new spirit of cooperation between our countries.
One of those pillars of our collaboration is through Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR). It is on this basis that we offer the services of our force to help Australia deal with the present bushfire crisis.
Fiji and Australia have cooperated in the past on HADR matters. We will never forget the solidarity displayed by the Australian people to Fiji in the aftermath of category-five Cyclone Winston in 2016. Because of Australia’s quick action, relief supplies and life-saving assistance were able to reach ill and injured Fijians in more isolated regions impacted by the storm.
It is in that same spirit that we offer our support to Australia today. Furthermore, the involvement of the RFMF team will showcase our nation’s ability to swiftly respond to our partners during their time of need, developing and enhancing Fiji’s humanitarian capacities and resiliency.
Given the threat posed by Tropical Cyclone Tino to Fiji, I also ask all Fijians to take the necessary precautions, adhere to the warnings from the various Government agencies and stay safe and secure until TC Tino fully passes through our waters. Please, heed the call from our Honourable Prime Minister, and stay away from floodwaters.
Ladies and gentlemen, this deployment fulfills the highest aim of our vuvale partnership with Australia, because family – above all else – means helping each other in times of need. We will always be there for Australia when we are needed, and we know we can expect that same level of commitment in turn. As Oceania suffers a new and frightening range of climate-induced disasters, Fiji stands prepared to confront this challenge alongside Australia and all of our Pacific partners by continuing to advocate on the world stage to address the underlying causes of our changing climate.
Once again, I thank the Commander RFMF for his swift response. I wish all the members of the contingent the best in your deployment. Stay safe and showcase the very best of the Fijian character.
Vinaka Vakalevu. Thank you.