Training to enhance Protocol Standards in Fiji’s Foreign Services
Ambassador Khan meets with the Youth Leaders
05/02/2019Published On: 05/02/2019
With the recognition of Fiji’s strong global leadership in the international and regional fora, the government agencies that plan and prepare for high level visits to Fiji have been empowered through the “Protocol, High Level Visits Planning and VVIP Drivers” training that began on Tuesday this week and will continue until Thursday next week.
The 9 days training programme package has been collaboratively organised by Fiji’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The 3 days Protocol Training that began on Tuesday this week concluded yesterday, while the 2 day High Level Visits Planning Workshop which began today will continue on Monday next week.
This Saturday on the 2nd February, there will be a two and a half-day workshop on VVIP Drivers Etiquette followed the second session of the 3-day Protocol Training to be held next week from Tuesday 5th to Thursday 7th February. The training is funded by each agency on a cost-sharing basis.
Over 100 civil servants from key ministries and agencies involved in planning for high level and state visits will have the opportunity to comprehensively look at the strategies required to adopt efficient, effective protocol and etiquette facilitation and planning of these visits.
The Minister for Defence, National Security and Foreign Affairs Hon. Inia Seruiratu while speaking at the official opening program, as being his first engagement as the Minister for Foreign Affairs acknowledged the New Zealand Government for its tremendous support in providing three former NZ diplomats as trainers.
Ms. Halia Haddad, Deputy High Commissioner at the New Zealand High Commission said the training will complement the preparation and coordination among government agencies whilst preparing for upcoming visits and events for Fiji.
The participants of the training have described it has being informative and interactive, enabling them to share their ideas and device strategies to enhance Fiji’s overall foreign services and international relations.
Having participated in the 3 days protocol training, the administration manager at the Office of the President, Ms Rozeleen Subramani says the training has enabled her to effectively understand the dynamics of diplomacy and the skills required to benchmark high standards of protocol and etiquette required to serve with integrity and excellence.
Having served in the Fiji Police for the last 13 years, Sergeant Amani Daumeke, says the training is timely as it complements the commitment of the Fiji Police Force on professionalism and being customer oriented. He said the training has also enabled the participants to strengthen their networking, identify the gaps and strategies that will result in Fiji being able to take its protocol customer service provision to a much higher level.